If you are a cozy mystery author or someone who is professionally involved with cozy mysteries, please feel free to reach out and get involved with The Cozy Mystery Book Club.
There are a number of ways you can participate!
Join our monthly YouTube livestream book club discussions!
If you read our monthly book, you can participate in so many ways. You can answer our tweets, take part in polls, post an image over on Instagram, and lots more!
You can join the YouTube conversation live to interact with fellow sleuthers.
Every month, our Book Club members submit their bookish recommendations and cozy mystery titles on their to be read lists over on twitter. All of their books are compiled and entered into a twitter poll. Book club members then vote for our next cozy read.
Book Club members join our monthly livestream and actively participate. every comment during the Youtube livestream is one giveaway entry. If you have an extra paper copy of your book or e-book codes you can share, your title could be included in our monthly giveaway.

The Cozy Mystery Book Club Twitter account, @cozymysteryclub, is very active! Please follow along and participate. This is a great way to introduce yourself to club members and learn more about our book club!

If you are camera shy, this option is perfect! Several cozy mystery authors will be featured for one evening and lead a Twitter conversation with cozy mystery readers live using the hashtag, #cozycornerchat.

Hallmark movies and mysteries has some amazing cozy mystery movies. If you are a hallmark viewer, tweet along while watching the movie! Chances are we are watching the movie too!

We are also on Instagram, @cozymysteryclub! Please hit that follow button and participate! tag us & comment. In the future, we will be having instagram challenges. If you are on Instagram, this is a great organic option!

For additional information, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter. I will keep you up to date on giveaways, book club livestream dates, buddy reads, #12DaysofCozies, and lots more!