The Cozy Mystery Book Club began in 2017. The idea for a cozy reading group had been in the works for some time. To kick off the coziness, The Cozy Mystery Book Tag was created. Later, the book club’s first YouTube livestream occurred in January 2018. Ever since, YouTube livestreams have been held once a month; the last Tuesday of the month, every month.
The Cozy Mystery Book Club will be celebrating their five year anniversary in January 2023. To celebrate this milestone, Angela is organizing a year long cozy reading challenge & celebration. You read that correctly: an entire year of cozy mystery fun with The Cozy Mystery Book Club.
Join The Cozy Mystery Book Club with a weekly cozy mystery reread. Yes, we will be rereading the previous book club titles throughout 2023. Each week, The Cozy Mystery Book Club will be highlighting a cozy title from the book club’s past. We will be going in order from first book to latest read. For the specific dates and titles, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and view the official PDF.
Rereading previous book club picks is a great opportunity. New book club members can enjoy titles for the first time. Longtime Cozy Mystery Book Club sleuthers have the opportunity to revisit their favorite cozy communities and fall in love with books all over again. If someone missed a month or two due to personal circumstances, they can catch up. Plus, if a sleuther remembers the book perfectly, they don’t need to reread the title; they can simply post and chat about the book at their leisure.
In order to foster cozy conversations, please use the hashtag #COZYREREADS. When posting photos on Instagram, sharing thoughts on Twitter, penning blog posts, uploading Tik Tok videos, etc., please add #COZYREADS to the caption so that other sleuthers can access and share in the fun.